Solar Bankers Update

Solar Bankers
2 min readOct 15, 2020


September-October 2020

Dear Community,

Hope the sun is shining in your life and you are doing well in these uncertain times. This blog post is to update you on what is happening in the Solar Bankers world. So, let’s get straight into it!

Solar Node Operative System (OS) release! Configure your Solar Node with your phone or computer and forget about it!

Solar Bankers just released the first version of a dedicated OS for its Solar Node devices. The OS makes the user experience much smoother and drastically reduces device maintenance. The OS can be downloaded here. At the same link, you will also find a detailed guide on how to configure your node.

The dedicated OS allows to:

  • Configure the node without having to connect the Raspberry Pi to your TV or monitor. The configuration of the device is done with your phone or computer using Wifi connectivity;
  • Configure the node once for all. No more re-configuration if the device runs out of battery! As energy flows back into the battery through the solar panel, the device will automatically reboot and it will re-start accumulating SLB without the need for user intervention.

In addition, we implemented a notification system that informs the user whenever his device goes off (and back on) and sends a weekly update on the amount of SLB accumulated.

Sneak peek video of Solar Bankers Energy Trading Platform

The development of our Energy Trading Platform is moving at full throttle. Below you can find a sneak peek video of how the front end looks like right now. Enjoy!



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